
What our clients said recently:
CHD - Speech of Mr. V. Zelensky, President of Ukraine
I would like to share with you the very grateful message we received from our General Secretary. Nothing would have been possible without the complete and collaborative involvement of all companies, which are supporting our operations from months or even years for some of them. You can be proud of this achievement, which is clearly a undisputed success, and be thanked for your work on this event. Please feel free to share this feedback to every staff member of your teams. In addition to our SG's message, please be aware that the feedback we received from Ukrainian part was also fully positive, even dithyrambic, and it is my duty to share this message as well....

With more than 25 years of experience, accumulated over many official (3 presidencies of the council of the European Union, NATO, and Luxembourgish parliament) and private events, MEETINCS can guarantee state of the art technical equipment (audio-video systems, electronic voting systems and more).

Contact US

3 Rue des Carrefours, L-8015 Strassen
+352 45 99 45-1